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Read the review on “Background Magazine” (Netherlands)

The Italian prog rock band Karmamoi was formed in 2008. In 2011 their first...

Interview by The Indie Authority (UK)

Read “LadySpitfire interviews Karmamoi” by The Indie Authority (UK) Explain the name of your...

Read the review on “100 Decibel” (Italy)

Lasciandosi trasportare dai Karmamoi in un meraviglioso… “Odd Trip”! Odd Trip, che in inglese...

Read the review on “Metal Essence” (Italy)

Ci provano (e fanno bene) a sfondare il mercato inglese gli italiani Karmamoi che,...

Read the review on “Audiofollia” (Italy)

KARMAMOI”Odd trip(Crisalide edizioni)” I Karmamoi sono una band romana nata nel 2008;dopo un primo,omonimo...

Interview on Audiofollia (Italy)

Siamo felici di ospitare oggi,all’interno di”audiofollia”,un’esauriente intervista ai Karmamoi, l’ottima band romana di cui...

Read the review on “Metal Temple” (Greece)

I can’t say indie Prog is my daily jam, but as a Metal and...

Read the review on “Prog Rock” (Poland)

Świeża, wręcz z pod igły płyta włoskiego zespołu Karmamoi zagościła właśnie w moich głośnikach...

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